Annual General Meeting 2025
May 21 @ 19:30 - 22:00
The AGM typically only takes less than an hour and will be followed by a social chat/discussion so please do your best to attend and come say hello to the other members of the club.
Your club needs you – we need as many members as possible to join in at the AGM to give us feedback on what you want from the club, the types of events and activities you’re interested and what else the club can do for you.
We’ll be electing the committee members too so if anybody wants to get involved and help give the club a steer in how we go forward, we’d welcome anybody who’d like to give it a go – there’s not too much commitment needed just a handful of meetings per year which are often done in a pub as a social meeting is the minimum required depending on the role you take up.
Food – we’ll make a group order on some takeaway food, often pizza or we’ll sort out a deal with Cafe Miura.
Proposed Agenda is as follows:
- Apologies
- Minutes of previous AGM and matters arising from it
- Reports
- Proposals
- Election of Officers
- Any Other Business